[REVIEW BOOK] Lost in Time By A.G. Riddle

Judul: Lost in Time

Penulis: A.G. Riddle

Tebal: 455 halaman

Tahun terbit: 2022

Penerbit: Bloomsbury publishing

Aku baca di: Kindle



Control the past.

Save the future.

One morning, Dr. Sam Anderson wakes up to find that the woman he loves has been murdered.

For Sam, the horror is only beginning. He and his daughter are accused of the crime. The evidence is ironclad. They will be convicted. And so, to ensure his daughter goes free, Sam does what he must: he confesses. But in the future, murderers aren't sent to prison.

Thanks to a machine Sam helped invent, the world's worst criminals are now sent to the past – approximately 200 million years into the past, to the dawn of the time of the dinosaurs – where they must live out their lives alone, in exile from the human race. Sam accepts his fate. But his daughter doesn't.

Adeline Anderson has already lost her mother to a deadly, unfair disease. She can't bear to lose her father as well. So she sets out on a quest to prove him innocent. And to get him back. People around her insist that both are impossible tasks. But Adeline doesn't give up. She only works harder. She soon learns that impossible tasks are her specialty. And that she is made of tougher stuff than she ever imagined. As she peels back the layers of the mystery that tore her father from this world, Adeline finds more questions than answers.

Everyone around her is hiding a secret. But which ones are connected to the murder that exiled her father?


Kehidupan keluarga Sam Anderson dengan kedua anaknya Ryan dan Adeline–berubah pada suatu pagi saat mereka berziarah ke makam ibunya—Sarah. Sam dan Adeline ditahan akibat dugaan pembunuhan yang dilakukan pada rekan sekaligus kekasih Sam—Nora Thomas, yang meninggal semalam dan tamu terakhir yang dia temui adalah mereka berdua.

Sementara Sam menduga ada sangkut pautnya dengan project baru mereka yaitu Absolom dua. Grup scientist mereka yaitu Sam, Elliott, Constance, Nora, Hiro, Daniele.

“Several reasons. First, if someone is killing Absolom scientists, they might be in danger. Second, Nora’s death might be related to Absolom Two. If so, we need to talk about precautions. And finally, one of us might know something that could help us find Nora’s killer.”


Jadi mereka berenam ini punya grup khusus, menciptakan mesin yang mengantar seseorang ke masa lalu namanya Absolom. Pendiri dan penemu Absolom adalah Hiroshi Sato dan Daniele Danneros. 

Orang-orang yang dikirim melalui Absolom adalah manusia yang paling buruk. Model seperti pembunuh, teroris, pembunuh berantai. Karena sebagian besar orang yang pergi ke masa lalu—miliaran tahun lalu—pasti akan mati. 

“Do you ever wonder what happens to them—the people we send through Absolom?” “They’re alone, in the distant past, millions of years ago. It’s a survival situation. Do you know what the most important thing is in a survival situation?”

“Shelter? Food? Water?”

“Those sustain life, but the most important thing is your will to live. You lose that, you die.” Daniele fixed Sam with an intense gaze. “Promise me you won’t lose that will. That you won’t give up. Because I won’t give up on you. Promise me, Sam.”

He exhaled. “I promise.”


Sam menemukan petunjuk tersembunyi di bawah mejanya yang dikirimkan oleh seseorang. Petunjuk harus mengakui kalau yang membunuh Nora adalah dia. Beberapa teman Sam tentu saja tidak menyetujui usulan tersebut, tetapi Sam tidak peduli, karena tentu saja dia ingin menyelamatkan anaknya–Adeline dari tuduhan yang tidak mereka perbuat. Namun, pisau yang membunuh Nora terdapat sidik jari mereka. 

“The murder weapon,” Billings said.

“What about it?” Sam asked.

Billings tapped the tablet again, and a picture appeared of a knife laid out on a white plastic background. “We found it in the tank of the toilet in the half bathroom off the foyer,” Billings said. “They have Miss Anderson’s prints on the handle. We detected significant amounts of Dr. Thomas’s blood on the blade. The water didn’t wash it away completely—or the prints, as Miss Anderson hoped they would.” You were there. Her prints are on the murder weapon. Both of you have blood on your hands.

Akhirnya Sam dikirim ke masa lalu dengan Absolom, ke masa Triassic 202 miliar tahun lalu.

“My best guess is that you’ll arrive in the Late Triassic period, about 202 million years ago.” She took the page away from the glass. “Which is sort of bad news.”

“Sam frowned. “Why is that bad news?”

“Well, where to start…I guess with the dinosaurs.”

“Your homework. A book on basic survival, one on desert survival, and one on jungle survival—just in case you arrive in the Jurassic instead of the Triassic. And about that: you need to keep your weight up. If you lose more weight, it will decrease your time distance—you’ll arrive sooner, likely in the Jurassic. More dinosaurs, more rain, probably more disease, and more likelihood of landing in that mass extinction event during the transition between periods. There’s never been a better reason to clean your plate, Sam.”


[REVIEW BOOK] The Only One Left By Riley Sager 


Jadi Sam menitipkan dua anaknya di bawah pengasuhan Daniele. Tetapi, Adeline ini agak ragu sama Daniele yang sepertinya menyimpan sesuatu rahasia. Jadi Adeline sama adiknya memang harus tinggal dengan Daniele, sembari memikirkan bagaimana cara membawa ayahnya kembali dalam keadaan hidup. 

Daniele Danneros, one of her father’s friends and colleagues. Adeline had known the woman for a long time (she had been close with Adeline’s mother), but she hadn’t seen her that much in recent years.

Sementara Sam berjuang hidup di masa Triassic. Sam suka mengingat masa lalunya saat bersama orang-orang terkasih.


Suatu malam, Adeline menemui Elliott dan juga Hiro. Jadi Elliott ini curiga kalau Daniele pasti yang membunuh Nora karena kayanya suka sama Sam. Elliott bahkan menemukan kalau Daniele punya pulau pribadi yang dia beli, entah digunakan untuk apa. 


“Who killed Nora?” 

Elliott answered: “I don’t know.” 

“Who do you think killed her?” 



“She’s in love with your father.” 


“It’s the only thing that makes sense. She killed Nora because she knew Sam and Nora were in love with each other.” 

“But why would she frame my father?”


Padahal  keyakinan awal Adeline, kalau Daniele itu mau membantu untuk memulangkan ayahnya kembali. Apalagi selama ini Daniele baik dan bersedia membantu beberapa fakta yang terbuka lainnya dari teman-teman satu tim mereka. 

Nah, disaat sedang marah-marahnya. Daniele malah memasukkan Adeline ke Absolom Dua. Jadilah Adeline pergi ke masa lalu dan bertemu dengan kedua orang tuanya. *Taraaa enak kali bisa begituu 😂


Why had Daniele sent her here? To Stanford, her own university, a place she knew well? And why now, Monday, March 17, 2008?


Tapi, tapi, tapi, dari awal aku udah curiga nih, sama pemberian nama yang hampir mirip antara Adeline dan Daniele. Berhubung tidak ingin memberikan spoiler, jadilah biar kalian sendiri yang menebak apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di antara mereka. *ketawa jahat 😂


“Speaking of spelling things, I wanted to ask you something.”

Adeline raised her eyebrows.

“Your name. It’s so pretty. Sam and I have really struggled to find one we love. I wondered if you would mind if we named our daughter Adeline.”

“Not at all. I’d love that.”


Bocoran lainnya, ucapan Sarah di atas—emaknya si Adeline waktu masih mengandung bayi (yang adalah si Adeline kelak) meminta begini modelnya. "Ngomong-ngomong, nama kamu cantik deh, boleh gak aku kasihin nama yang sama ke anakku nanti." Nah, gituu jadinya, asal muasal nama Adeline tercipta. Jadi sampe sini paham yes, siapakah Adeline sebenarnya. 

Awalan aku baca buku ini, disangka time travel yang agak mudah dan gak terlalu rumit gitu ya. Eh ternyata masuk plot twist juga di dalamnya. Udah mana pake scientist, terus misteri pembunuhannya juga wadidaw banget. *Bahasanya bisa gak Rii agak kbbi dikit 

Faktanya emang begitu. Ending cerita ini pokoknya semua berakhir bahagia, aman sentosa, sampai akhir khayat—eh gak ada akhir deng, kan berpetualang terus pake Absolom. *Loh, bukan spoiler begini? Hehe aman kok, masih banyak banget yang kututupi 😂


Soalnya kalo mau review spoiler juga ribet, alurnya njelimet seperti kisah cintaku sama si dia. Sampai aku mikirin ini Riddle bikin alurnya apa gak puyeng sendiri ya? Aku aja yang baca bisa puyeng begini. Udahlah, pokoknya begitu sebagian besarnya. Pengen merasakan masuk Absolom jadinya, enak kali ya, bisa balik ke masa lalu dan jadi bestie sama emak dan bapak sendiri, hehe. 😍


Kalau kalian udah baca buku ini belum, Gez? 💜


Kata-kata yang kusuka: 💗

💙 “Work mostly. There was never enough room for what I knew I had to do and someone else.”

💙 “Everyone keeps telling me everything is going to get better. But things just keep getting worse.” “They always do,” Daniele said. “Before they get better.”

💙 She needed someone to trust, to talk with, to be there in case she was caught doing what she was about to do.

💙 And she wondered if she was strong enough to do what she knew she had to.

💙 That was the key to survival— doing better tomorrow than you did today. Getting up every day and improving.

💙 “No. The past cannot be changed. It must not be changed. For all of our sakes.” “Why?” “The past is the causal sequence of events that created our present.”

💙 She had always heard that you didn’t appreciate something until you lost it.


💙 “The second thing she told me is something I think about a lot: time heals all wounds. But it won’t work if you don’t give time a chance. That was her point: we just have to accept that sometimes things are going to be hard for a while. If we’re strong enough— if we hold on long enough— things will get better. Every year, this hurt we feel is going to get a little better. I promise you.”


💙 But that’s one thing I’ve learned about time: sometimes life gives you problems you can’t solve today. That’s what tomorrow is for. And that’s why you keep going.”
